Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. However, one of four students in America skip it. Why is that? Most people claim they simply don't have enough time in the morning to make a nutritious meal, let along eat one. What is considered a suitable breakfast? Cereal with fresh strawberries and blueberries, along with a glass of milk are a great breakfast! Each count as at least 1 serving size of grains, fruit and milk- three essential ingredients of a balanced diet. It is important to start of each morning with a healthy meal because it jump starts your body for the day. It allows you to focus on school work and gives you enough energy to play with your friends at recess. Also, eating breakfast as a children helps to create excellent eating habits that will carry on throughout your entire life.
What did you have for breakfast this morning?
Suitable- right for purpose
nutritious- containing minerals, vitamins, and other substances that promote health
essential- necessary
ingredients- element required for something
serving size-quantity of food provided
diet- what person or animals eat
What is a __________ time to be in bed on a school night?
I had a very ____________ meal, it had lots of vegetables.
What are the most important___________ for a healthy meal?
My dog has a poor _______, she eat things off the table!
It is __________ to have eight glasses of water a day.
That bag of chips is three_________(s).
Grammar Point-
The past tense is used to describe events that already happened. Usually the ending -ed is added to verbs. Create 3 sentences describing what you had for breakfast this morning.
What did you have for breakfast this morning?
Suitable- right for purpose
nutritious- containing minerals, vitamins, and other substances that promote health
essential- necessary
ingredients- element required for something
serving size-quantity of food provided
diet- what person or animals eat
What is a __________ time to be in bed on a school night?
I had a very ____________ meal, it had lots of vegetables.
What are the most important___________ for a healthy meal?
My dog has a poor _______, she eat things off the table!
It is __________ to have eight glasses of water a day.
That bag of chips is three_________(s).
Grammar Point-
The past tense is used to describe events that already happened. Usually the ending -ed is added to verbs. Create 3 sentences describing what you had for breakfast this morning.