Last weekend my best friend and I went to see a movie at Roosevelt Raceway Theatre. The movie was called Valentine's Day. The picture had a ton of my favorite actors and
actresses, such as Julie Roberts, Patrick Dempsey, Bradley Cooper and Jennifer Gartner. The movie was a about a guy named Reed, that proposes to his girlfriend, Morley, on the morning of Valentine's Day. Morley agrees to marry him but refuses to wear the engagement ring he bought her. So excited and happy about his future with his new fiance, he tells his friends he's getting married and they are all shocked. They don't believe him when he tells them she said, "yes," because secretly they don't think they are a good couple.
The story is funny, romantic and has an outstanding cast! If you want to find out how it ends...you'll just have to see it in the theatre or wait until it comes out on DVD!
romantic - expression of tender
actresses, such as Julie Roberts, Patrick Dempsey, Bradley Cooper and Jennifer Gartner. The movie was a about a guy named Reed, that proposes to his girlfriend, Morley, on the morning of Valentine's Day. Morley agrees to marry him but refuses to wear the engagement ring he bought her. So excited and happy about his future with his new fiance, he tells his friends he's getting married and they are all shocked. They don't believe him when he tells them she said, "yes," because secretly they don't think they are a good couple.
The story is funny, romantic and has an outstanding cast! If you want to find out how it ends...you'll just have to see it in the theatre or wait until it comes out on DVD!
romantic - expression of tender
shocked – something surprising
fiancĂ© – the man to whom a woman is engaged to be married
engagement ring – a ring given by a man to his fiancĂ©e to mark their engagement to marry.
propose – offer marriage
refuses – indicate unwillingness
actor- performer in a play, movie or television
The _____ that played Edward in Twlight was terrible!
The _____ that played Edward in Twlight was terrible!
I was _______ when my boyfriend sent me roses for no reason.
My ________ and I are looking at flowers today for the ceremony.
Her ______________ was big and sparkly.
He always _________ to eat his carrots because he hates vegetables.
My favorite type of movies are _______ comedies.
My friend's boyfriend ________ proposed last weekend and now they are engaged!
Grammar Point:
Certain words can be combined to form contractions by using an apostrophe.
it is---- becomes-----it's
they are-----becomes-----they're
do not------becomes------don't
you will------becomes-----you'll
Write three sentences that contain a contraction.
It sounds like a good film and a very strong cast.