My favorite season is spring. Spring starts at the vernal equinox. This year spring started on March 20th, 2010. Spring is my favorite because I love to watch all of the trees and flowers bloom. My favorite spring flowers are tulips.
Everything seems to come alive during the spring. Even me! During the winter I like to stay indoors because I get cold easily. During spring the air temperature starts to rise and it gets warm, but not too warm like summer! During the spring I become very active. I take my dog for long walks through the park. I go on picnics with my friends. I have my family over for cookouts. I even go camping in the woods! Spring is such a great season, I am excited it is here!
Equinox- time of equal day and night
Bloom- flowering
Alive- full of life
Temperature- degree of heat
Active- busy
Camping- living outdoors in a tent while on a vacation
I go ________ very summer with my friends.
March 20th is the vernal_________________.
It is so hot today! What is the ____________?
My cousin is so ________, she has something planned for every night this week!
After I drink coffee, I feel _______.
The roses are in full ________.
Grammar Point- Conjunctions such as FANBOYS (for, and, nor, but, or,yet, so) need a comma after the word. For example:
I like the apples because they are healthy snacks, so I have one every day!
Create your own sentence using a FANBOY.
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